As a former civil servant and longtime resident, I understand the needs of our community and our families firsthand, and I believe it’s time for serious, problem-solving leadership. My priorities are:


We all have a right to feel safe in our home and our community.  While historically, the Northeast Heights has been one of the safest areas of the city, I have talked with neighbors who are feeling less safe and have suffered break-ins, burglary and vandalism. It’s unacceptable. 

Too many of our politicians talk about crime in a reactive way only. I believe we must hold criminals accountable for their actions, and but also invest in crime prevention. To fight crime effectively, we must be data-driven and solution-oriented.

I support:

  • Tougher sentences for violent criminals and repeat offenders. 

  • Keep dangerous repeat offenders in jail before trial.

  • Increase penalties for the first time drunk driving offense.

  • Investing in successful programs that fight drug addiction and improve timely behavioral health interventions.

  • Investing in preventing crime like putting more trained police officers on the street, mentoring programs to help at-risk youth

  • Working with the police and the court system to reduce retail theft, property crime, and drag racing.

  • Reducing the number of illegal firearms on our streets and the risks of gun violence through common-sense safety measures like safe storage, waiting periods and enhanced background checks.

Additionally, we need to take actions to keep our community safe from the increasing risk of wildfire. I support: 

  • Identifying areas of high risk and creating fire-adapted communities, including training on home hazard assessment and coordinating wildland fire response efforts

  • Investing in fire risk reduction and drought-mitigation programs


More and more people are experiencing homelessness. We know because we see it every day in our neighborhoods, freeway exits, and parks. One of the key drivers of homelessness is the lack of affordable housing. Stagnant incomes coupled with too few affordable places to rent or buy are why more people are slipping into homelessness.

I support: 

  • Teaming up with the private sector to build more affordable housing

  • Increasing funding for mental health and addiction services

  • Expanding emergency shelters and temporary housing options to get more people off the street.


I come from a family of health care providers. My husband has treated patients at UNM for decades. I know how important it is to have access to timely and high-quality healthcare. I believe that everyone should have access to quality health care when they need it. And I believe state government has the power and resources to reduce the gaps in our health systems. 

I support:

  • Recruiting, training and retaining more healthcare professionals with incentives to stay in our state.

  • The establishment of a Prescription Drug Affordability Board in New Mexico to help control the rising drug prices.

  • Investing in mental and behavioral healthcare and drug treatment programs.

  • Protecting reproductive rights and abortion access.


I am committed to making sure all of our children get the opportunities and resources they need to succeed and thrive, from cradle to career. 

I support:

  • Continuing to invest in successful and growing programs like universal pre-K and free higher education.

  • Making more after-school programs available throughout our city and county.

  • Ensuring our students receive the skills and training they need to get good-paying jobs and build the workforce of the future, particularly in fields like healthcare, education, and clean energy.  

  • Demanding better student outcomes.


We can’t have a strong economy here in our state without protecting our most precious natural resources — our air, our land and our water.  We must make investments to protect our communities from the effects of climate change and work to mitigate those effects, all while supporting the economic growth of our state. 

I support:

  • Investing in all renewable energy opportunities.

  • Building more housing to support our workforce and attract new companies to New Mexico.

  • Encouraging the growth of small businesses in New Mexico, while also recruiting new businesses, especially in clean industries, to our state.

  • Reducing the tax burden of workers and consumers